【spring boot】Spring outing小学生英语作文

2020-04-05 小学英语作文 阅读:

  It was Apr. 15th, it was sunny and hot . We went our for spring outing . We took a lot of snacks . How excited we were ! At 9:00, we left school for the cinema first . We walked there . It’s a little far from here , so we were all very tired . But when we got to the cinema and started to watch the film , we all forgot how tired we were.

  After that , we went to the park in front of the cinema . We played games happily . Some students flew kites, some read books under the tree , some watched insects and I took pictures for them. I want to be a photographer in the future.

  I love spring outing ! How about you ?


【spring boot】Spring outing小学生英语作文


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